It is not usually a good idea to put a large amount of content into an email.
That said, it is always a good idea to know your audience when sending an email.
A year ago or so, the Communications Committee of the National Rural Economic Development Association (NREDA) was inclined to move their newsletter to a web page, and simply email the link to members. The committee surveyed their members and learned that most would more likely read their news if it was within the body of the email.
So the challenge was in front of them: how to successfully present a large amount of content in an email.
The solution was a layout that was well organized and easy to navigate. WinM@il created a three-column layout with a complete table of contents at the top and ample navigation throughout. Large subheads make topics easy to find. Links to excess information make indepth stories more digestible.
If this is a familar challenge, please comment with any additional ideas for organizing large content into an email.
For an example of the NREDA email newsletter, visit: